A “Dazzling Zebra”

After years of strange symptoms, mounting chronic pain and fatigue that have especially worsened over the past months, lots of doctors, even more tests and treatments, and lots of exhaustion, I was finally diagnosed with Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) earlier this month. And let me tell you...it was an adventure getting to that point. I... Continue Reading →

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Is Your Gifted Child A “Troublemaker”?

I wanted to share this piece because it touches upon kids with unique differences and who are gifted — not all “troublemakers” are trying to be troublemakers, but actually learn differently.

Baby Bytes

simon-moore-697520-unsplash When you hear hoofbeats, maybe you SHOULD think zebras and not horses!

Gifted and talented children are frequently leaders in their schools and communities.  They often have advanced language skills, display an early and intense sense of humor. Gifted children can be the funny, outgoing, energetic kids who have deep empathy and abundant warmth.

But being gifted isn’t all rainbows and first place ribbons.  Some aspects of being gifted contribute to styles of interaction with authorities and peers that are not cause for celebration. Gifted kids can be perceived as causing trouble, creating conflict and disrupting things wherever they go.  Super-bright children might end up with this label for the following common behaviors and characteristics:

  • They resist many rules as limiting and irrelevant.  “Because that’s the way it’s done” is not accepted when a gifted child sees the rule as useless or worse: illogical.
  • Boredom with class material they have…

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Fight for your health!

From one of my favorite blogs–this blog always inspires me. I’ll keep fighting for my health until I get the right doctors and best treatment. Fight with me!


fight for a cureI hope y’all have a lovely Monday! First day of a new week may bring some wonderful and positive changes to all of our lives! I really appreciate y’all visiting my site today and as always love to read your comments, which I do respond to as quickly as I can! Most of the time I like to write about the random things that are on my mind. This helps me to release all those emotions and then getting your feedback help tremendously, so thank you for all of your fantastic comments!

How do you fight for your health instead of fight against it? It is so important to be vocal with your doctor and never allow them to dismiss what you say or rush you out of the exam room. We all know our bodies and how we are feeling better than anyone, so that should be listened to…

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Depression is a Thief

My Heart Out

Depression is a thief,

Depression steals,

Depression takes,

Depression is cruel,

Depression attacks,

Depression steals motivation.

Depression takes minutes, hours, days, nights, years away from us.

Depression is cruel to anyone whom it affects.

Depression attacks everyone it can.

I am fighting depression.

I am getting up out of bed everyday.

I have better security now.

I won’t let it get me.

I will not get my past back.

I will not let my future go to depression.

Depression does not deserve me.

I will come out of it.

I will get better.

I have hope.

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From the Mighty: “New Bill Could Change the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline”

Finally some bipartisan work to help prevent suicide. I'm glad that both parties are taking this seriously...Hopefully this will save more lives, since suicide rates are at the highest they have been in 3 decades. [H/T: The Mighty] "New Bill Could Change the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Sarah Schuster Staff at The Mighty Suicide March... Continue Reading →

SHE….being invincible in pain

I think this post from one of my favorite blogs, Pain Pals, is so moving. Hoping it will be a positive source for some of you in chronic pain too!


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My lovely girl drew this image for me of our pain, different for us both but with the same underlying genetic cause, and these words by poet Ariana Dancu seemed to fit perfectly in rising above the flames of pain.

It has been a tricky week as the family visited my husband’s parents,  but I was too unwell, sporting a chronic dislocation & increased pain, to make the long car journey.  Instead I remained at home where I was able to relax, stay in my PJs and binge watch Netflix, but had to rely on my parents to look after me.  Talk about feeling like a teenager again……

Lucy’s picture really depicts how my different pains have been all consuming this week….and yes, I am still sporting a snazzy velcro sling!  Hopefully there will be a real post tomorrow!

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From The Mighty: “How Self-Driving Cars Could Transform Travel for People With Disabilities”

I love technology—especially when it helps with accessibility. This article from The Mighty explains more about the positives of self-driving cars, and how they can help people with disabilities. Hope you enjoy the post! [H/T: The Mighty] "How Self-Driving Cars Could Transform Travel for People With Disabilities By Karin Willison Staff at The Mighty Disability... Continue Reading →

From The Mighty: “Dealing With Seasonal Sickness as a Person With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome”

I am just finally getting over a killer cold—after missing work last week for stomach issues...and I wanted to find out how others deal with being sick while also having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and I found the article below. I have been having a miserable time with this cold...and perhaps my faulty collagen isn't helping, but... Continue Reading →

Gratitude Post: Select three things that happened this year that you are grateful for

I'm a little late in posting this, but bare with me—just getting over being sick! I liked this (11/7) prompt better than today's (11/9) prompt, so here we go... New post for the My Mighty Month November Gratitude Challenge! The November 7th prompt is: November 7: Select three things that happened this year that you... Continue Reading →

November Mighty Month Challenge: Week 2—Continuing Gratitude

I'm a little late to post The Mighty's Mighty Month Challenge's Newsletter for Week 2 (you can subscribe to their newsletter here) of November's gratitude challenge. Below is the 2nd newsletter I received for this month explaining prompts for this week and providing the explaining article again. I've decided that to actually not blog about... Continue Reading →

November 2 Gratitude Post: Name three people who have improved your life in a meaningful way.

Second post for the My Mighty Month November Gratitude Challenge! The Second prompt is: November 2: Name three people who have improved your life in a meaningful way. Three people (though there are more) who have improved my life in a meaningful way are: My wife: Amanda is my light, companion, has been there through... Continue Reading →

November 1 Gratitude Post: Select three things that happened in October that you are grateful for.

First post for the My Mighty Month November Gratitude Challenge! The First prompt is: November 1: Select three things that happened in October that you are grateful for. For October, I was thankful for: The warm weather we had last week The fact that I got to spend special time with some of my most... Continue Reading →

November’s Self-Care Challenge Starts Today: Practicing Gratitude—My Mighty Month

I subscribed to The Mighty's Mighty Month Challenge (you can subscribe too here): November's challenge is all about gratitude, which I love! I want to be sure to be thankful each day for the positive people, animals, and things in my life, so I thought this would be a perfect challenge for me! I know it's going to be tough to remember to do this daily, but I'm going to do my best—and if I don't write them out, I want to be sure to still reflect. Here is the email I received for this month explaining prompts for the week and providing the explaining article. Let me know what you're grateful for in comments below!




It’s November! That means time for a new My Mighty Month challenge. For those joining us from the U.S., this month’s challenge comes just in time for Thanksgiving. This month, we’re asking you to spend 30 days practicing gratitude. As part of the challenge, you should write down at least three things per day that you are grateful for...

Caturday Mews: Random Tabby Cat Interrupts NFL Game!

Usually I could care less about American football, but when I found this video, I couldn't get enough of it: on Thursday, October 26, 2017's Ravens-Dolphins NFL game, a cat took to the field! I love that not only did they capture the kitty on video, but they caught kitty on slow-mo and included commentary from Tony Romo: like the cat was one of the athletes (which we know cats are). Hey, maybe kitty wanted to join the game? You can see the kitty's beautiful running form captured live on TV--and now shared across YouTube! Watch the video here:

I think football kitty's going to make history! Hey, why can't a cat be on the team? 😉

Dazzling Zebra’s Favorite Fall Feel-Good Items

Ahhhh October...fall is here, winds are low, Halloween is near...all the delicious candy (that really, I shouldn't be eating) is on sale—and it's the month that I proposed to my wife! October is one of my favorite months. Here in Santa Cruz County, October is typically one of the mildest, nicest months of the year.... Continue Reading →

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